Installations (since 2020)

The nitrogen tree (De stikstofboom)
100 photo’s of solitary trees in The Netherlands, placed in leaf shapes hanging on exhaust pipes.
The Netherlands (threathened) waterland  (Nederland  (bedreigd) waterland)
Exhaust pipe with 12 photo's of trees in the watery Dutch landscape.
Heat islands (Hitte-eilanden)
8 photos of places where the temperature rises faster than elsewhere. These heat islands are placed on stoves.
Friend & enemy (Vriend & vijand)
Series of 8 photo objects in various sizes. Photos in spirit levels.
Heatplates (Hitteschalen)
The highest temperatures in The Netherlands including heat waves since 1900.
Climate plates The Netherlands and Belgium (Klimaatschalen Nederland en België)
Photos on glass dishes with average annual temperature 1910-2035
The  energy folly
House of exhaust pipes, solar panels and gas hobs
Hot Holland top 20
The 20 hottest places in the Netherlands
Sunflowers (Zonnebloemen)
10 photos mounted on brake discs
Water and ice (water en ijs)
Four series of 15 photos of Dutch ice skating venues in the current winter
The key to our future existence
Interactive installation about sustainability.
The consequenses of flying
Interactive installation about the relationship between flying and CO2 emissions (in preparation)
Fashion makes the world go ....
Moving object which consists of 12 photo's attached to child toys


Photo-objects (since 2017)


Solitairy trees (2020)

Gift tip!
A series of 50 photos, derived from the installation 'The nitrogen tree'.
Photos taken throughout the Netherlands and mounted in small leaf shapes.
Each copy is unique and provided with a handwritten text about the tree and the location.
- View 50 small photo-objects.


Fotoseries (vanaf 2006)

[envira-album id="1472"]

(Industriële) Landschappen (2006-2014)

Foto's (vooral in de regio Niederrhein) met een grafische opbouw en vervreemding van de werkelijkheid als basis.
- Landschappen in de regio Niederrhein (2006-2014). Prints te koop op dibond (100 x 40 cm) of als print ingelijst (30 x 65 cm).
- Industriële landschappen in de regio Niederrhein (2006-2014) Prints te koop op dibond (100 x 40 cm) of als print ingelijst (30 x 65 cm).
- Fotoschilderijen (2015-2017). Prints op dibond (100 x 40 cm)